Giant Food Cruelty
Is Giant Food lying to its customers about its support of animal abuse?
For years, consumers have been demanding better animal welfare standards from food providers. While nearly a decade ago Giant Food promised to stop supporting the cruel practice of caging egg-laying hens, it has not fulfilled that sustainability commitment. Giant Food is owned by Ahold Delhaize, one of the largest grocery retailers in the US, which also owns The Giant Company, Food Lion, Hannaford, and Stop & Shop.
Hens trapped in cages have no space to move or engage in any natural behaviors. They are forced to live, breathe, and lay eggs for human consumption amongst feces and rotting bodies. For hens in cages, it’s hell on earth. Customers have been misled and have a right to know what their hard-earned money is paying for.
Giant Food is being heartless and risking losing the trust of its customers. It’s time for Giant Food to follow through on its ESG commitment and go 100% cage-free!
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