Across the country and Rhode Island, retailers and restaurants have said they are no longer going to sell eggs from operators that use cages. But one Rhode Island factory farm is not listening. Little Rhody Farms, an operator that cages egg-laying hens, is completely ignoring this call for better animal welfare and food safety.

Due to misleading labels and humane-washing, Little Rhody has been able to deceive Rhode Island consumers into thinking the farm is taking care of its “healthy hens.” This couldn’t be farther from the truth. It’s time for Little Rhody to take animal welfare seriously and commit to going 100% cage-free!

Little Rhody Cruelty

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Egg-laying hens are forced to live inside tiny wire cages that do not afford them enough space to engage in natural behaviors. This intense confinement is the main source for frustration, injuries, and in many cases death.


Foot and claw damage are more frequent in cages than in other systems, with lesions, fissures, and twisted or broken claws resulting from stepping on sharp wiring every day. Often, other body parts are caught in the caging, which results in fractured or broken bones, deformities, and further feather wear.

Mental Anguish

Like any animal, chickens are highly motivated to perform natural behaviors. These behaviors include nesting, perching, scratching, foraging, and exploring. Caged chickens are often denied all of these natural behaviors, causing them severe distress and frustration.

Progress on the Issue

Nearly every major food company has already committed to going cage-free, including these: