
Yum! Brands Cruelty

Flynn Restaurant Group is the largest US franchisee of Pizza Hut, and the 2nd-largest of Taco Bell—2 companies that support animal cruelty. Pizza Hut and Taco Bell refuse to adopt a global cage-free egg policy and instead support cruel, filthy cages. It's time for Flynn Restaurant Group to urge Pizza Hut & Taco Bell and their parent company, Yum! Brands, to stop supporting animal cruelty!

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Egg-laying hens are forcefully shoved inside wire cages, which do not adequately provide for their welfare. The cages are so overcrowded that hens cannot carry out many important, basic behaviours. Some hens cannot endure this extreme suffering and die in their cages.


Foot and claw damage are more frequent in cages than in other systems, with lesions, fissures, and twisted or broken claws resulting from stepping on sharp wiring every day. Often, other body parts are caught in the caging, which results in fractured or broken bones, deformities, and severe feather loss.

Mental Anguish

Like any animal, chickens are highly motivated to perform natural behaviors. Although some cage farms provide some token enrichment, it is so poor that it is of little or no significance to hens. The constant inability to perform any actions that feel natural leads to immense and unending frustration.

Progress on the Issue

Nearly every major food company has already committed to going cage-free, including these: