Old Chicago Pizza & Taproom Cruelty

Is Old Chicago Pizza & Taproom trying to profit from empty promises to its consumers?

For years, consumers have been demanding better animal welfare standards from food providers. More than 400 companies, including Old Chicago, have responded by committing to eliminate caged eggs from their supply chains. While others have been transparent with their customers about their progress, Old Chicago is refusing to say if it has kept its word to stop using eggs from caged hens by 2022.

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Why Cage-Free?


Egg-laying hens are forcefully shoved inside wire cages, and on average, each hen is only afforded as little as 67 square inches of cage space — less than a single sheet of letter-sized paper on which to live her entire life. This intense confinement is the main source for frustration, injuries, and in many cases death.


Foot and claw damage are more frequent in cages than in other systems, with lesions, fissures, and twisted or broken claws resulting from stepping on sharp wiring every day. Often, other body parts are caught in the caging, which results in fractured or broken bones, deformities, and further feather wear.

Mental Anguish

Like any animal, chickens are highly motivated to perform natural behaviors. These behaviors include nesting, perching, scratching, foraging, and exploring. Caged chickens are denied all of these natural behaviors, causing them severe distress and frustration.

Progress on the Issue

Many leading food companies are reporting on their progress toward being 100% cage-free, including these:

These states have bans on extreme confinement of animals