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McDonald's Cruelty

Uber Eats is partnering with McDonald’s, a company in the middle of an animal cruelty scandal. Tell Uber to take a stand against animal abuse and #DropMcDelivery.

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Bred to Suffer

Birds in McDonald's supply chain have been so genetically manipulated that they grow to be three times as large as they would without such invasive tampering — and in less time. This accelerated growth leaves birds crippled under their own weight and causes a myriad of other problems.

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Crowded and Barren

McDonald's sources chicken from industrial farming operations that house hundreds of thousands of birds inside a single shed. Due to this severe overcrowding, these birds are provided slightly more space than a sheet of paper to live on. The sheds are kept dark, often with no natural light, which discourages birds from moving.

Chemical Burns and Filth

Chickens often have to stand in their own waste, which contains concentrated levels of ammonia. This chemical leaves painful burns on their skin. The concentration of ammonia fumes in barns can grow so high that chickens have respiratory issues just from breathing in the air.

Progress on the Issue

More than 200 major food companies
have already committed to addressing these abuses, including these: